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       /:::/    /               /::::\\    \\              /:::/    /
      /:::/    /               /::::::\\    \\            /:::/    /
     /:::/    /               /:::/\\:::\\    \\          /:::/    /
    /:::/____/               /:::/__\\:::\\    \\        /:::/    /
   /::::\\    \\              /::::\\   \\:::\\    \\      /:::/    /
  /::::::\\    \\   _____    /::::::\\   \\:::\\    \\    /:::/    /
 /:::/\\:::\\    \\ /\\    \\  /:::/\\:::\\   \\:::\\    \\  /:::/    /
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        \\::/    /                \\::/    /                \\::/    /
         \\/____/                  \\/____/                  \\/____/

User Manual:

  1. Download File ISS-Generative Lab Alpha Waves Jungle envenenado.pd 👇

    ISS-Generative Lab Alpha Waves Jungle envenenado.pd

  2. Open file in the “Purr Data” Framework below.

    1. File > Open > ISS-Generative Lab Alpha Waves Jungle envenenado.pd
    2. Click on the file name below the “Files” tab. (Wait for it to load, it might take a bit).
  3. Turn DSP: ON.

  4. Participate and enjoy! :)
